At least 30 pounds overweight when I discovered Uplift. With very little upper body strength, I set out to get strong and healthy. Jill kept encouraging me to weight in and measure regularly, so I gave in and made an appointment. I decided if I was going to start working out, it made sense to make an effort to eat better and try to lose some weight too. That evening changed my life.
Jill and I talked about what I eat, when I eat and why I eat and she made several suggestions for improving and changing my habits. She challenged me to not eat bread for three weeks, change my breakfast to two eggs, a bunch of sautéed veggies. I knew sugar was my downfall, so I decided to try to eliminate them, and while I was at it, no pasta either. I would allow myself a square of dark chocolate every day and low sugar fruits such as berries to make my sweet tooth happy. We also set a limit of a glass of wine one or two days a week. I could eat chocolate and drink wine so I was happy!
We created a workout plan, and I decided I would take off only one day per week. Three days a week I would lift and do at least 20 minutes of cardio; three more days I would do 45-60 minutes of cardio.
Today I can happily say I have lost 43 pounds and more than 32 inches from my hips, waist, thighs, arms, and chest. I went from a size 14-16 to a size 6-8.
If I can impart wisdom to anyone reading this it would be that it is never too late to get in shape. Take the time to care for yourself. We only get one body and keeping it healthy is one of the most important things we can do as we journey through life! The trainers at Uplift truly care about you and want to help you reach your goals –no matter how long it may take!