I was the very first member at UpLift when it opened in 2005. When I joined, I considered myself active and in good shape; I was at the gym pretty much every day! After I went through my initial assessment with Jill and Chris at UpLift. I quickly realized that I had hit a plateau and would never get in better shape if all I did was cardio 7 days a week.
I started gaining muscle and losing fat after only a couple months at UpLIft. At the same time, I was learning balanced healthy eating habits (which I thought I knew but was dead wrong!). Two years later, when I turned 35, I was in my best shape ever! At 5’1” tall, I weighed 107 lbs. and, most importantly, I felt great and absolutely loved my body.
Then, I got pregnant and gained 35 lbs! Jill and Chris were there for me; they developed a special workout routine and I lifted weights all the way until the day before I had my baby. And I was back at UpLift six weeks later.
UpLift’s encouragement and routines that change every 12 workouts, along with my discipline and adherence to the exercise routine, and consistent approach to healthy eating, definitely paid off. Thank you, UpLift!
(Alona lost 10 lbs., 15 inches, and 19 mm in her caliper measurements. She trimmed 5 inches off her waist, and 3.5 inches from her hips.)